Sunday, 27 July 2014


Well, this was a rather odd one to write about.

After putting together a list of things I carry around with me (or keep in close proximity), I felt like the most boring person in the entire world. There’s nothing very quirky here, but I guess it comes down to my preference for an environment that isn’t cluttered.

In my pocket (when I go out):

  • *Besides the usual smartphone, lip balm and wallet combination, I don’t carry anything else in pockets.

*Is there something else a guy should be carrying around with him that nobody has told me about?

In my car:

  • Hand sanitizer (because everything we touch is germ-infested and gross, and one can never tell when you might find yourself with a burger in your hands, whilst on the road)
  • A mini padlock (for gym visits)
  • My tennis bag (obvious enough, I’d think)
  • Me. I Am Mariah – The Elusive Chantuese (this CD hasn’t left my front loader since the album came out in May)
  • The ugliest sheet in the whole world (I wrapped it around my jack/spanner/spare wheel, to prevent them from knocking around and rattling when I drive – car rattles = torture)
  • Random tennis balls (I try, but I am never able to get all of them out of my car at one time)
  • Two jackets (there’s very little that’s worse than being somewhere for a long time and being cold – it’s something I try my best to avoid)

On my desk (at work):

  • A tiered file/paper holder that makes it look like I use stationery
  • A pen/pencil/eraser holder that also makes it appear as though I use stationery
  • A USB-powered coffee mug heater / holder (a very nifty gift from a close friend)
  • A hard drive – or three hard drives (because of what I do, I am constantly transferring data)
  • A camera (which I use, sometimes, for mini shoots. It takes up a lot of space, so I usually leave it on the extra half of another desk which I begged for and finally got)
  • Coffee (because, well, coffee)

Like I said, quite an odd one to write about. I hate clutter and unnecessary stuff because it makes me feel claustrophobic, which is why this little list is… quite little.

The initiators of this month-long writing challenge tweeted the following a few days ago:

So, spectacularly random topic or not, that's exactly what I'm going to do until Day 31 :-)

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